iTizzi – Software development company in Ukraine and Eastern Europe


From the very beginning, we at iTizzi Software Development Company have set ourselves the goal of creating software that will help our clients in their daily work. Our experts are able to design and create such solutions that will help you achieve more profit and reduce the company’s operating costs. We implement programs of any complexity and functionality, from simple programs to complex database systems. The programs we write are strictly tailored to the individual requirements of our clients to ensure maximum efficiency while reducing costs. Depending on the client’s needs, the solutions we offer, such as: software development, custom mobile application development, Full-stack Web development, iOS and Android application development, allow you to work both locally and remotely. That gives access to the company’s resources from anywhere in the world (Ukraine, Kyiv, Odesa, Lviv, Vinnytsia, Eastern Europe).

Advantages of custom software created in conjunction with iTizzi:

We, iTizzi Software Development Company – Ukraine, Kiev, Odessa, Lvov, Vinnitsa, Eastern Europe, begin the process of creating a special application by analyzing the client’s needs. Once diagnosed, our staff will create an initial program outline, recommend programming technologies, database solutions, and methods for integrating with other IT systems in use. The stages of work on the software we have created consist of the following elements:

  1. Analysis – customer needs
  2. Design – work at this stage includes:
    • Choice of technology in which the program should be made;
    • Development of IT assumptions for the program;
    • Development of the technical design of the program;
    • Implementation of the project in cooperation with the client.
  3. Production technologies – in our work we use the following technologies:
    • PHP, HTML, XHTML, JavaScript, AJAX, MySQL database server, PostgreSQL database server, JQuery, CSS, Framework.
  4. Testing – making changes and fixes reported by the client
  5. Implementation – work at this stage includes:
    • training of system users;
    • training of system administrators;
    • creation of technical and operational documentation for the program;
  6. Post-project care – work at this stage includes:
    • readiness to make changes and expand the system at the request of the customer;
    • choice of production environment, migration to various system platforms.

The software we create is always adapted to the individual needs of the client, it is created in close cooperation with the client, which gives an advantage over ready-made software. Our applications can be constantly expanded with new functions, which allows the customer to quickly update the changing needs of their company.